Saturday, May 3, 2008

Speech Therapy

Peter said all 26 letters of the alphabet today! Karen learned the art of bribing with pistachios. It was such a HUGE step forward. Peter will be 3 in October. And he doesn't "talk" yet. Karen and I have learned to understand a lot of his "words," but it's mostly grunts and sounds he makes in the back of his throat. We don't draw any attention to it and have decided not to seek professional help yet. We make it a point not to compare our children to each other and enjoy watching each one develop at their own speed and in their own way.

Peter is a lovable cuddly two year old and it was SO fun to hear him say letters today that he has never said before. When he can't quite get the letter out we encourage him to say the sound. Here's a sampling:


Elaine said...

Abslutely adorable. Nothing like training them nut by nut (grin). Why don't you do all the kids and let them tell us something. We love to watch these. We miss being there!

Elaine said...

I DO know how to spell "absolutely." I

Laurel said...

b.) funny "cannon ball" story. VERY FUNNY. i get your humor.
c.) as a speech pathology graduate (albeit just a bachelors degree and not practicing), I can assure you there are PLENTY of cases of kids who just started talking all of a sudden one day.
If he understand, and can mechanically make the sounds, he's least for now. But, really, if you can respond to him and kind of understand his needs, he doesn't have an urgency to really talk.
It will come. Let him finish being 2 and then if he isn't talking by 3, you might want to get some help. but, I wouldn't be worried yet.

BTW, david, if you offer me reese's peanut butter cups, I'll TOTALLY go through the alphabet with you!

Cheryl said...

I've always thought that Ben could fit right in with your family's faces, and now he has a speech buddy. He really just made animal noises at 2, and everyone's name was "YaYa". Peter is so cute, and he's obviously very smart. I'll email you later when I have some time--but if there's one thing I have learned with my journey with Ben, it's to follow the Spirit. After getting as much info as you can, go with your gut. It's very difficult to tell at 2, but it might be good to do some homework.

Sign language saved my life (and probably my kids', too ;)! The whining is reduced significantly when they know signs for "more", "please", "food", "drink", etc.

Anonymous said...

I had a couple nephews who just wouldn't talk but man when they finally did it was nonstop. And the great thing is they think a bit differently - use different parts of their brain now as they are teenagers. Deep thinkers, love to read.
that video is adorable. I love that a 2 year old likes pistachios that much!

Wendy said...

Okay, so I have no training, except being a parent, but here is what we did with Jesse. When he was a year old, he understood everything and would follow directions, but didn't say anything. After some evaluation, they said he needed speech therapy, being as I am, I know you understand Karen, I wouldn't take him. Here is the website I went to for his "jumpstart". Just download the info and cards, I laminated them and although he speaks very well now, he still loves to go through 'his' cards!
I bet it will help get him going, it sure did for Jesse.