Friday, October 10, 2008

Salt of the bed

Yes you read that right I wrote bed, not earth.
Why, you ask?

Well, I would like to tell you a little story.

We had our first den meeting last night. For most new Cub Scouters, that means mom or dad hangs out at the building or drops them off. For us it's family affair. David goes directly to the building on Thursday nights without even coming home because of timing and driving distance. I loaded up the van with all five little munchkins and we got on our way. David met us outside and helped get Mark and me to our meeting and the other four into the nursery. Things went well and as expected the kids and I got home by about 9:15, completely exhausted. I transported the sleeping Luke to his bed while the others starting changing into pjs. I went next to Peter to help him change and get into bed and that was where we hit the snag.

I almost tossed the kid right in the middle of his salty bed. Yes, salty. Sometime earlier in the day, unbeknownst to me, our darling 2-almost-3 year old took the salt shaker from the kitchen and poured about 1/8 of a cup worth of salt on his pillow, sheets, blankets, stuffed bear. . . it was everywhere. So I quickly retrieved my handvac(I don't know how anyone can live without a handvac) and attempted to remove most of the mess. Have you ever tried to vacuum salt off of a surface with soft squishy dips and grooves. The salt annoyingly pops and flies as you vacuum from one place to the next. Eventually I decided that I had retrieved the vast majority of the mess and put him to bed.

I just kept thinking, salt? really? why on earth would you put salt on your bed?

We may never know.

Salt now makes my list of the things that are hardest to clean up, but has yet to surpass soap. That still reigns supreme as the most difficult thing to clean up that I have ever dealt with.

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