Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jury Duty

I got a Jury Duty Survey Letter today.

Sounds really official doesn't it? number 2 pencil, blue or black ink filling in little bubbles. Just like those standardized tests I took in elementary school. It goes over the basics, like are you a felon, do you live here, are you mentally capable of serving on a jury, stuff like that.

There is even a very strict warning on the back which reads:(in bold type and partly underlined)

If you do not return this questionnaire form fully completed you may be summoned to report at your expense for completion of the questionnaire at this office.

At my expense? Hmm, they sound awfully serious.

I ponder what to do. Did I mention that this letter came courtesy of the Jury Commission of McLean County . . . in ILLINOIS.

We moved seven months ago. But there isn't anywhere on this very official form to check a box that says I don't live in Illinois anymore. So I got on their website and emailed the Jury Commission to let them know how far my trip at my own expense would be.

They promptly replied with this

"Thank you for your information. I have deleted you from our list of potential jurors. You may destroy the survey sent to you."

Mostly I just found the seriousness of destroying the survey over the top. Most of the time, people say to disregard or ignore something that obviously cannot apply to you, but destroy! So I thought I would take a poll and see what everyone thinks.

Does destroy mean

a. throw away
b. shred
c. burn
d. crumple up and then throw away
e. frame
f. rip into tiny pieces, then burn and scatter the ashes on the wind

If this post seems a bit off, keep in mind that David left this morning for Utah. For a week. Don't get me wrong when you read this David, I am so happy that you get to go, but everyone knows it's tough to take care of kids alone. My usual relief shift is off duty for six days. Other than a few recorded headaches, some bouts of random crying, a few fevers, and a 10 month old who is teething, we are doing great. Those who know me well, remember what I was like when David and I were dating and had to be apart. This is kind of like that. The first day is the hardest, hence the somewhat quirky/sarcastic/mean posting. It is kind of funny too though, the post I mean. I will try to post each day, or at least if something funny happens. David, be careful and have fun! Power to the Superman Shirt!


Cheryl said...

Hey Karen, come hang out with us! You really are more than welcome to come and let the kids play and just break the monotony. Ours, I mean. Three cheers for summer doldrums!

Laurel said...

definitely "F".

And if it helps you not miss him any, he has already thoroughly annoyed me by licking my cell phone. Yes, you read that right...he LICKED my cell phone.

Yeah, you're not missing anything (grin)

You're so funny...I adore you.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to put on the Superman shirt tomorrow. It's gonna be a blast! I miss you guys!

And just for the record, I don't think I've EVER laughed as hard as I did today...and I've witnessed some pretty funny stuff. I'll have to blog to give the full account.

Miss you and love you!

Anonymous said...

That was a great post; made me laugh out loud. Can't wait to see how your week progresses. I'm sure you'll do great and be ever reminded of how blesed you are to be in a committed relationship. :)

Anonymous said...

Did David tell everyone that he bought brand new hiking boots last Saturday and plans to hike up and down 10,000 foot mountain in two days? New hiking boots? It does not get much funnier. Love you Karen. You are an incredible woman and mother.

Elaine said...

Hope today is going ok. And as for the jury duty letter? Chew it up and spit it out. I find that always helps my spirits:-)

Jay and Sherrie said...

I'm gonna go with "f" as well. Surely ripping into tiny pieces will help release some stress from the whole kids-driving-you-crazy-never-get-a-break mode. Not that I would know what that's like. At least they are having fun! Right?