Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Spider-Froggy-Scooty Crawl

Eliza has always been very happy to just sit back, relax and watch everything going on around her. Eventually though, she decided that the whole moving thing looked fun. Personally I think she has a fear of falling on her face, but whatever the reason here in all its glory is Eliza's very unusual crawl.


Laurel said...

THANK YOU for indulging me.

I think it's so funny that she does it equally with both legs. They take turns working but she doesn't wear herself out unnecessarily.

what a smart girl ;)

tall dad said...

What a way to bring smiles to everyones life. TThaks for letting us in on your sweet family. And Karen, what can I say about your writing style and ability. So very enjoyable.

Sarah said...

So cute! What an inventive way to crawl!

Mom said...

That is a new style to me and I have seen a lot of crawlers.
Thanks for sharing!