Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Conclusion of Shopper Mom's Adventures

The idealistic promise of 1 day shipping, was almost more than Shopper Mom could bear. It seemed too good to be true! Could it be? Could the infamously elusive box make it here with only one day of processing and one day of shipping? As Shopper Mom checked email and the Walmartwebsite religiously her hope waned. It continued to predict a delivery date farther into the future than she could believe. Would there be no end to this madness? Little Blue Eyes began to feel the loneliness of not sharing a room, while Skinny Princess longed for her own flower covered walls.

It was a long and lonely day of waiting on the edge between hope and despair. Shopper Mom feared that the promises of the desk employee at Walmart would prove faulty. Then out of the swirling dark, a ray of light appeared. Her near constant email checking finally bore fruit. Indeed the processing time was over at last! The website registered the beloved box as having been shipped! With trembling fingers full of anticipation Shopper Mom clicked the link to Track this Order. As the Hallelujah Chorus filled her mind, she read the beautiful words, Shipped FedexPriority Overnight. Ahhh, the peaceful relief filled her soul with the affirmation that the box wasguaranteed to be on her doorstep by 4:30pm the next day. Hope gleamed brightly in her eyes as she informed dear sweet Skinny Princess that tomorrow night she would have her bed. SP replied with "Beeeeedddd!" The joy was evident in her beaming smile.

The last email/computer check for the night revealed that the box was in fact in transit from Kankakee, IL. With peaceful thoughts of bed assembly Shopper Mom drifted softly to sleep. The next morning the package tracking continued. From Illinois, our box stopped in Indiana before heading out to Richmond. By 9 am it was on a truck and out for delivery! With feelings of certainty Shopper Mom and the Team ran their morning errands, even though the chances of the box arriving before 4:30 were slim. Then to everyone's surprise a few minutes before 12, there was a knock at the door. Sure enough the box had arrived at long last.

After a few quick preparations, Shopper Mom and the Team opened all three boxes to reveal beautiful white bunk bed parts. Each was in perfect order with no scratches or other imperfections. Everyone pulled together to help. Shopper Mom, Skinny Princess, Electro Boy, Creator Kid and the Yellow Comic each carefully moved numerous wooden boards upstairs. The different pieces were sorted into SP's bed and LBE's future bed. Little Blue Eyes' bed was put into storage and between Shopper Mom and Skinny Princess the new bed was assembled in about an hour. A second hour saw the completion of the room with toys and books finding their proper places. The joy was full for all as the room was completed. It had been long, long journey with many hopeless moments, but in the end they had overcome the Incompetence Drone once and for all! Emerging victorious, Shopper Mom, Cool Dad and the whole Team felt the joy of a purchase finally completed.

Little Blue Eyes demonstrating her super cuteness standing in her bed skills.

The much anticipated new bed.

Buster Brown expressing the joy of his new digs.

Skinny Princess overjoyed to be in her new bed, in her old room, and happy as can be.


Sarah said...

Hooray!! I love a happy ending. :)

Wendy said...

You really should write books. You have amazing skills in story telling. It was fascinating and the cliff-hangers left you always wanting more! I'm so glad SP has her new bed. Everyone should have their own bed!

Carolyn said...

Yeah!! I'm glad all is resolved in a happy manner. :) I haven't had the best of luck ordering from Walmart online either - there might be a pattern here... I'm glad everyone now has good sleeping arrangements.

Laurel said...

hear me now (and I'm serious): There is a DELIGHTFUL children's book inside you waiting to be written. And I want you to keep the names of the kids. seriously, karen. YOU are a writer...

think about it.

And while I don't wish this kind of incident on you again, I kind of do...I want to enjoy another saga.

NOW...that children's book.

for reals.