Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Musing about our day

So I'm sitting here at the computer with about 14 minutes until the last load of laundry is done for the day and really I have nothing else I can do in this time so I thought I would recap our day. It was pretty normal. We had school, now the kids can tell everyone what literate, illiterate and literature mean. And they now know how the leopard got his spots. Very important, I know. Let's see, Peter took off his diaper during naptime today, and well, at least the new carpet cleans easy :) James came downstairs tonight and told me he wanted to sleep with his shirt unbuttoned because he looked cool that way and "anyway" (his favorite word) he likes to look cool. um, yeah, he's only 4?! I heard Anya wrestling with the boys this evening and she yelled something like "just because I'm the only girl doesn't mean you can do that!" I don't really know what was going, I was feeding the baby at the time, but right after that I heard her cackling with joy so I figured they must have worked it out. Mark has finally passed through that awkward shark teeth issue. He actually had three front teeth for about the last month at least. The two front ones got loose sometime around the beginning of November, one got accidentally really loosened about Christmas time when it accidentally got his with the handle on the big red wagon (honest!) so that one came out quickly and the new one starting growing in. Then the one next to it started growing in, but the other baby tooth would not come out. Like Mark screamed at us a lot in the past two weeks "I don't like pain!!!!!" Finally after two months of anticipation and a really weird looking two rows of teeth, we got it out. yikes, what an ordeal. Little butterball boy, I mean Luke, does just fine when everything goes exactly the way he wants it to. however, I have noticed that if people don't move as quickly for feedings and diaper changings and all that, he can actually cry in such a way that people think someone just dropped a rock on his hand. No lack of drama there. It is amazing, he can scream to the point of his entire chubby body vibrating, but as soon as you pick him up it is like flipping a switch. crazy. Well, the dryer just buzzed and David fell asleep with Anya, so I guess I better go. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

I love that little Anya is already an independent and confident woman. SHE IS WOMAN HEAR HER ROAR!