Sunday, July 11, 2010

Spiders Aren't Invited

Sorry--no pictures for this post. My stomach couldn't handle it. Plus, if you saw the size of this spider, you'd realize it doesn't take much to make me squirm.

Sometime between sitting down on our bedroom floor to change Luke's diaper and getting ready for family prayer tonight, I sat on a spider. But the story is a little better than that.

After I changed Luke, Anya shared her first written story with me and Karen. And that got us into a discussion about sentence structure and components of a sentence. If you knew me while in school, you would know that I absolutely LOVED dissecting sentences in English class. That and geometry were my two favorite subjects before discovering music theory and history.

Anyway, as I was energetically talking about sentence structure, Peter called my attention to a spot on the carpet that had the looks of a squished spider - you know, the ones with the body intact but legs curled. I backed away like any protective patriarch would...and Peter calmly went to get a tissue and pick up the "dead" spider. But when Peter picked it up and looked at the tissue, his eyes got wide.

And I backed up further...leaving my 4 year old to fend off the spider alone.

What kind of a father am I?!? I left Peter in a time of need. Fortunately, Karen was close and grabbed the tissue to finish what I had started when I sat down.

The kids wanted to know how to dissect my colorful expression: Oh my holy freakin' cow!

I'll never like spiders. I'm glad Peter is brave.


Laurel said...

you are SUCH a protective patriarch.
(and SO ridiculous).

Did you know that my major required an ENTIRE CLASS where all we did ALL SEMESTER LONG was diagram complex sentences?

You would have loved it.

PS I'm glad Peter is brave...that your wife is brave...that Mark is brave...that Anya is brave...that James is brave...that Luke is brave...that Eliza is brave. Seriously, Dave. You can do this. Just try.

Whacky Wheelers said...

Did you not have a million spiders in your home in Illinois? We do!

I have a hubby who doesn't mind killing things . . . he just doesn't pick them up after he's killed them!

Come, Follow Me-Music Study said...

YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd of done the same thing but Kyle would have been right behind me. Thank goodness daddy is "a little" more brave than I! (Oh, and is that a Correct sentence structure?) xoxo love that you're an Eagle Scout and can't deal with spiders. I'm not so scared now about helping Kyle get his Eagle!!!