Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog . . .

There are a couple of reasons that David's great hair week has been interrupted.

1. Today's color was black, which is so close to his natural color it doesn't really show up in pictures.

2. We saw something really cool and had to share.

3. Tomorrow's hair will be well worth the wait.

Being that our backyard was recently divested of a number of trees we currently are the proud owners of a very large dirt patch. In light of that it is very easy to see when something is moving out there, being that tree stumps are happy to stay put. I glanced outside this morning to see something moving and after staring for a minute I realized it was a turtle.
I am sure some of you are saying so what! at this point, but it was cool for us so I like any good homeschooling mom hollered at the kids to come quick so we could go outside and see it up close. It has been a slow morning so we were all still in pjs, and Luke had no pants on, but we went anyway. We got close enough to see it well, but not too close in case it was a snapping type of turtle.
The kids named it Speed since he seemed to be moving rather fast for a turtle. (Except for Luke who wanted to name him Woo woowoo woo wooo).

After some investigation online I firmly believe that he is an Eastern Box Turtle, very common to this area, and probably got displaced during one of the recent storms.

He had the cutest hind legs. His foot looks a lot like a baby foot, you just want to squeeze it.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Thanks for the science lesson. It really is quite a beautiful animal.