Monday, February 14, 2011

Lincoln's Birthday

For the last few years, we have celebrated Abraham Lincoln's birthday by adding to our collection of Lincoln Logs. However this year I decided that since the container holding said logs is full, it was time to try something different. I purchased one of Lincoln's favorite books, Pilgrim's Progress, by John Bunyan, and have begun reading it with the kids. I am thoroughly intrigued by it beginning with the author apologizing in case you don't like his book. I'll let you know how it turns out.
For a more kid focused and fun activity, I got big pretzels sticks, peanut butter and graham crackers and let the kids go crazy in an attempt to build logs cabins.
It was a rather messy, but interesting experience.

Of course we built the cabins whilst the Beans was sleeping, but here she is in all her silliness.